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2024年等离子体化学与新材料湖北省... 12-07
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2024-11-02 12:38  

2024先进功能材料国际产学研用会议计划于2024123-5 日在武汉工程大学流芳校区举行。本次会议由武汉工程大学、武汉市洪山区科学技术和经济信息化局联合主办,武汉工程大学材料科学与工程学院(等离子体化学与新材料湖北省重点实验室)承办。本届会议的主题为“国际产学研用融合聚力,先进功能材料突破发展”。





1. 展示内容:参会人员的最新研究成果,研究内容与实验室的主要学术方向吻合。

2. 展示形式:英文墙报展示,图文并茂,版面美观,语言简洁,条理清晰,逻辑严谨。参展作品可以是论文、专利、项目、实验报告等形式,墙报尺寸规格为900 mm×1200 mm,须注明成果完成人(含导师)信息。

3. 提交时间:请参会学生于1120日前,将参会墙报的PDF电子版(5MB以内,附件1)和报名汇总表(附件2)发送至指定邮箱,并加入指定QQ群。

4. 评审流程:会议组织委员将对所有参会墙报进行初评审,预计评审出30张墙报于会议期间张贴展示,并进行现场专家评审。最后评选出卓越墙报奖优秀墙报奖,并给予证书和相应奖励。

5. 现场展示:现场展示时间为2024124日,展示地点为武汉工程大学流芳校区材料科学与工程学院一楼和二楼。



联系人: 周丹凤 





Call for posters: 2024 International Conference on the Cooperation and Integration of Industry, Education, Research and Application on Advanced Functional Materials

2024 International Conference on the Cooperation and Integration of Industry, Education, Research and Application on Advanced Functional Materials will take place Dec. 3 to Dec. 5 in Wuhan Institute of Technology Liufang campus. This conference is co-sponsored by Wuhan Institute of Technology, Science and Technology and Economic Informatization Bureau of Hongshan District, Wuhan City, hosted by the Department of Material Science and Engineering and Hubei Key Laboratory of Plasma Chemistry and Advanced Materials. The theme of the conference is “Boosting breakthrough of Advanced Functional Materials with Cooperation by International Industry-Education-Research-Application”.

In order to stimulate academic conversation and cooperation, improve academic abilities of graduate students as well as promote the cultivation of innovative talents, the conference is calling for posters from domestic and international graduate students to demonstrate their academic progress.

1. Applicants

Domestic and international graduate students.

2. Poster requirements

2.1. ContentLatest research progress from the attendants which matches the theme of the conference.

2.2. Format: Posters must be in English and well-designed, in format of journal article, patent, project reports etc. The size of poster is 900×1200 mm and the author information, including principal investigator, must be included.

2.3. SubmissionAll participants are required to submit their posters (Attachment 1, PDF format, <5 MB) and application forms (Attachment 2) to dfzhou@wit.edu.cn by Nov 20th, please join the QQ group.

2.4. Evaluation: Conference committees will evaluate the all received posters and choose 30 posters for presentation during conference and peer review. “OUTSTANDING POSTER AWARD” and “EXCELLENT POSTER AWARD” will be given based on the review.

2.5. Poster presentationPosters will be presented on Dec 4th, 2024, at Department of Material Science and Engineering, Wuhan Institute of Technology.

3. Contact Information

Please join the QQ group: 606080100

Contact: Dr. Danfeng Zhou 


   Attachment 1Poster template

        Attachment 2Poster application form


附件【墙报模板 (Poster Template).pptx已下载
附件【墙报报名表(Poster Registration Form).xlsx已下载

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